
James McIntosh and Dr Thomas Ernst FRCP are highly engaging and motivational speakers.

Together they tell a real life story of overcoming depression, anxiety and panic attacks with hand knitting that they call knititation.
With over 50 talks in person or online over the previous years, the duo have spoken at:
Universities, Councils, FTSE 100 Companies, Yarn Shows, Women's Institutes, Professional Groups, After Dinner Speeches, Awards Events, Subscriber Events.
Regularly approached by the media, for comment, judging or providing male hand knitting for celebrities, James and Dr Thomas are comfortable presenting on TV and speaking on the radio.

Recent print press can be seen HERE

For more information click, get in contact HERE
In March 2023, James gave a TEDx talk entitled "Is hand knitting a mindfulness based intervention for fidgeters?" at Kings College, London.
You can watch the talk HERE.
James McIntosh and Dr Thomas Ernst FRCP, gave a keynote speech on the subject of “Knititation”,
at The Knitting and Crochet Guild September 2022
The sharing of James’ journey back to good mental health through knitting was both sad and uplifting. Thomas provided a scientific explanation for what crafters have known for a long time: knitting and crocheting in peaceful reflection is beneficial to our health and makes us happy. James is a lively and engaging speaker and Thomas provided the perfect foil with evidence that calming interventions, such a listening to music, do help the brain to heal. I can certainly confirm that knitting a lovely airy, soft scarf in James’s beautiful yarn Ffluff has made me very happy.  
Dianne Chan- Chair of the Knitting and Crochet Guild.
Chevron's Women's Employee Network, London recently hosted James McIntosh and Dr Thomas Ernst on the topic of Mindfulness : The Art of Knititation.

Not once did it feel like I was being presented at, instead James’ ability to tell a story in a realistic, thought provoking and humorous way made me lean forward and hang on his every word.
Dr Thomas made the science behind mindfulness easy to understand and together they provided a unique approach to tackling mental health as well as dispelling the fear of talking about mental health.

Sheila Dunk – Chair: Chevron's Women Employee Network, London.
Elena Thompson: Let’s Knit Together Membership and Paywall Content Manager

was such a pleasure to virtually host James and Dr Thomas on Let's Knit Together for a talk about all things Knititation. Our community members thoroughly enjoyed the session, hearing from both James and Dr Thomas about their experiences and medical research to back up the health benefits of knitting. On behalf of Let's Knit Together and the community, I would like to thank both of you for creating an engaging discussion for members.

Women on the Wharf:
The Women’s group of
Canary Wharf, London
An honest and personal talk about the how focusing on how something creative such as knitting can be your own kind of mindfulness and help in so many ways.  James told his story is such a relatable and open way that made our audience feel connected and led to free flow discussion.  We loved the connection between the emotional, creative and the science that James and Dr. Thomas shared to help overcome times of doubt.  A journey of colour from grey to yellow!
Mark Hammersley: 
The Hammersley Brothers
James has a unique and motivational story. We asked James to address our group of over 500 E-commerce business owners as to how to story tell and maximise press opportunities through e-commerce. He is a natural story teller who everyone can relate to.
Carol Ibbetson Cool Wool
What an inspiring, interesting & funny chat with James. His back story is incredible and how he came out of a very black period through the power of knitting is a lesson for everyone. We have had so many wonderful comments from members saying how it has inspired them.